Healing Power of Time

Healing Power of Time – Verse 76

Embracing the Healing Power of Time for Inner Peace

Time is the healer of all wounds,
The quiet rhythm of life’s tunes.
It holds the Healing Power of Time,
A force both tender and sublime.

As days drift by like rivers flow,
Time eases burdens, soft and slow.
In each new dawn, a chance to mend,
A gentle nudge, a soothing friend.

The heartache fades, the scars grow light,
As time transforms, the darkest night.
A balm for sorrows, deep and genuine,
It brings the soul a fresher view.

With time, we learn to let things go,
To trust in life’s enduring flow.
Its silent wisdom clears the way,
Revealing peace in each new day.

Healing Power of Time

In patience found a strength so pure,
The power to withstand and endure.
Time shows that healing has its own pace,
Guiding us to a better place.

So lean on time, release the weight,
For healing comes to those who wait.
It teaches us to live, forgive,
To let our weary spirits live.

In every hour, the quiet grace,
Of time’s embrace, a warm, safe space.
For through its flow, we find relief,
The healing power beyond belief.

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