The Light of New Beginnings – Verse 151
Guided by the Light of New Beginnings to a Brighter Future
The Light of New Beginnings softly glows,
A beacon where endless hope flows.
It guides the heart through uncharted skies,
A dawn where dreams begin to rise.
Each morning whispers a brand-new chance,
Inviting the soul to take a stance.
To shed the shadows, to let them fade,
And walk the path the light has made.
In every step, a promise gleams,
A bridge that crosses to brighter dreams.
The Light of New Beginnings gently shows,
How strength and courage in us grow.

The spark ignites when we dare to try,
To reach beyond, to touch the sky.
It’s not the end, but a page we turn,
A place where life’s pure lessons burn.
Through every challenge, it softly stays,
A steady glow on winding ways.
It whispers courage, fuels the fire,
And lifts the weary ever higher.
So trust the Light of New Beginnings bright,
To guide you through the darkest night.
In its glow, a world anew is born,
A radiant promise with each morn.
Take heart, for within its gentle flame,
Lies strength to rise, to stake your claim.
The glow of fresh horizons is always near,
A constant hope to banish fear.