Power of Intuition

Power of Intuition – Verse 46

The Power of Intuition: Your Secret Weapon for Life Success

Intuition is the voice within,
A silent guide where truths begin.
It’s the flicker of light that pierces the dark,
A gentle whisper, a guiding spark.

In every moment, let it unfurl,
It’s the language that shapes your world.
The heartbeat that echoes when choices arise,
A truth that glimmers beneath the skies.

Trust your intuition, let it show,
The path where your true desires flow.
In the stillness, hear its gentle plea,
Leading you to who you’re meant to be.

Power of Intuition

With every step, embrace the call,
For intuition catches you if you fall.
A treasure hidden in the depths of your mind,
Unlocking the truly kind wisdom.

So heed its whispers, soft and clear,
The power of intuition is always near.
In the dance of life, let it guide your way,
For in trusting your heart, you’ll find your stay.

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