Blessing of Mindfulness

The Blessing of Mindfulness -Verse 23

Unlock the Blessing of Mindfulness: A Path to Lasting Peace

Mindfulness is the gift of being still,
To calm the mind and bend your will.
It invites you to pause, to see truly,
And cherish the moment that comes to be.

Amid the rush, when the world runs fast,
Mindfulness offers peace that will last.
It’s the breath you take before you speak,
A steady anchor when life feels weak.

Blessing of Mindfulness

Let mindfulness soften each step you make,
In every choice, be conscious and awake.
For in the present, life truly blooms,
Beyond the chaos, in quiet rooms.

The practice of presence, a living art,
Heals the mind and quiets the heart.
In every moment, be wholly aware,
And find the blessings waiting there.

So let this blessing guide your way,
In every task, in each new day.
For life’s beauty is found not far, but near—
In mindfulness, both calm and clear.

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